
Info of "info snet-l" sent to

Welcome to the Snet-l mailing list!


Glenda Stocks
Please send all inquiries to me at SEARCHNET.ZEC@CHANNEL1.COM


To share selected postings from the SearchNet Network with private individuals, worlwide.



Tolerance, Everyone must respect the opinions, beliefs, knowings, and posted experiences of all members of the list.


Moderator will give private warning and temporary suspension for first two infractions; on the third the offender will be removed from the list.

If you must AIR your intolerant views with a poster, then please use private, direct, E-mail.


The moderator will post selected messages from the SearchNet Networked conferences.

We would like to see some members post articles on the topics of the list. Use this mailing list to get vital information out to the members, who may also inform others. Be advised that these type of postings may be cross-posted to Searchnet. If you wish to remain anonymous as the source, please let the moderator know within the text of the message. (be advised that all postings will go to all members (automatically.)

Please refrain from chit-chat messages. If you must reply to a member with a one line response, like "ok" or "I Agree", etc., please send private E-mail.

We encourage postings from other mailing lists, Networks, and publications; however, PLEASE be SURE that you have permission.

We encourage the sharing of postings FROM this listing with other mailing lists, networks, etc., and would appreciate a mention of our mailing list as the source. Although we do not frown upon discussions of the various postings, we would like to keep the list as information intensive as possible. The moderator may ask that a lengthy, non-informative discussion, be concluded within a reasonable amount of time (see chit-chat above).


To subscribe send an E-mail message to:
In the body of the message include the words:
           subscribe snet-l <your email address>
Comments, suggestions, and inquires to SEARCHNET.ZEC@CHANNEL1.COM

[Last updated Fri Feb 4 17:21:54 1994]

Some sites related to SearchNet:

You reach Glenda at:

   FidoNet:    1:330/201.0
   Modem-Data: 508-586-6977 / 617-961-4865
               (SEARCHNT.ZIP for info)
   Voicemail:  +1-617-341-6114
For posts to SearchNet mail to